Sunday 24 November 2013

21 Year Old London Bank Intern Found DEAD After Working 72hrs Straight

From CBC News

A 21-year-old London intern who was found dead in a shower after working for 72 hours in a row died of an epileptic seizure, an inquest has found.

British coroner Mary Hassell said fatigue could have been a trigger in Moritz Erhardt’s death, which help touch off an international outcry about working conditions for interns.

 "One of the triggers for epilepsy is exhaustion and it may be that because Moritz had been working so hard, his fatigue was a trigger for the seizure that killed him," Hassell said Friday at the conclusion of an inquest into the death.

But she stopped short of directly attributing his death to the punishing working conditions.

1 comment:

  1. You just can't work for more than 24 hrs in a day. It's just impossible yanno ....
